There is only so much we can do in terms of peripherals with our LaunchPad alone. It was designed to mate with a BoosterPack. There are plenty of shields out there, but to cover everything, we would need – well – a lot of shields. Instead I decided to design a BoosterPack specifically tailored to the content you have asked for.
I have officially teamed up with Kevin (see hardware tutorials) to bring you a new BoosterPack that we will be using to cover all the topics for the next while. This board has it all, enough to push our little MSP430G2553 to it’s limits. I won’t tell you much more about it here, but Kevin and I will be unveiling the board at a TI hosted webinar on November 17th, 2015 @ 10:00am (CST). The link to the webinar is:
Please share this link with your friends and colleagues. If you can’t watch it live don’t worry, the webinar will be recorded and I will post the link after.
Amazing news about your new Boosterpack and the webinar. This website is getting better and better as one of the most interesting, informative and professional about embedded development on the entire web. Also great that you’re getting proper recognition from TI. Very well done, thanks!
Rome, Italy
Thank you for your support and comments. They are very much appreciated. TI has been extremely helpful and has been kind enough to offer us this webinar so we are very grateful for the opportunity! Thanks again!